Sunday, September 15, 2013

19290112 01:43:32

19290112 01:43:32

IP & 16 N

"Just drop me off here, thanks. I can walk from here and be out of your way."
Pulaski caught Rebecca looking over to him in confusion as he turned to face Kedzie in the back seat. A portion of the lower half of his face was illuminated by the glow of a street lamp a few feet away from the front of the car, and his eyes stared back with resolution and without blinking. The store across the street was darkened and had surely long been closed. The sidewalk to the right of the car where Kedzie wanted to exit was devoid of people and sat meagerly in front of the giant fencing which wrapped around the jail.
"Here? Drop you off right here?" After asking this, he turned his head from one side to the other, looking to see if there was an honest reason that he would make the request.
"Are you always this vague?" Pulaski restrained a condescending scoff from coming out of his mouth before asking the question.
"No. You know I'm not, anyway. See you soon, then?" Kedzie reached a hand out to the front of the car and held it in mid air.
"Uh, sure, yeah. Yeah, see you soon kiddo. Enjoy your constitutional I guess." Pulaski took the hand and allowed it to be waved up and down in the air in three sharp motions.
"Good. Have a good night, Miss Rebbeca."
"Um OK, yeah. I'll do that." Rebecca didn't bother turning around to face him as she uttered the half-hearted response.
Kedzie took the bag of leftover food up from the adjacent empty car seat and swiftly guided his body out of the open door, then promptly snapped it shut with enough force to cause the car to gently rock on its wheels. He stood still on the sidewalk, with his body turned to the side of the cold wind gusts which whistled through the empty street, and didn't move until Pulaski started to pull the car away. As he walked back to the apartment, his memory returned to the restaurant owner who had insisted on him taking the food which he now held in the paper bag. The man's words had the tone of desired generosity but he saw a different emotion in his eyes and face - he saw some kind of trouble or fear in the countenance, as if making the gratuity had a dire consequence behind it. He wondered if there was a reason for that. After a few minutes of walking, he was near his apartment and stepped past the alleyway at the side of the building. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a flash of whiteness streak quickly in the opposite direction; he turned to see a small cat conceal himself underneath a garbage dumpster who then turned and stared at Kedzie with eyes glowing under the shadow. Kedzie stood still and pulsed his fingers around the grip of the paper bag.

(revise: hotel / meetup place near I or J block; store at IP1600N)
(revise: encounter with cat nearby)

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