19410111 11:48:47
The sound of strenuous grunting coming from the next room caused Cicero to nervously writhe and rock in her chair as she politely waited for LaGrange to finish lighting her cigarette. Knowing the origin of the noises didn't help her discomfort, and she understood that the arrangement was as good as it could be for her to keep a watch over her brother without having to directly monitor him every waking moment, but hearing nothing but those primal grunts echo in their room still made her uncomfortable.
"Has your sleep improved any since last week?" As usual, LaGrange's method of exchanging pleasantries with someone who she considered familiar came without the common opening banter.
"What? Oh, uh, a little, yeah. Even though we know what the business is, some things can still manage to be a surprise."
"So true. So listen, I have a plan that I want you to think about here. I'm sorry that this may seem rude and direct but you know how things move now, and you know they're making their plans now too."
"OK. What do you have in mind?"
Here, LaGrange wanted to take a moment to build up to the proposal, as to ensure that the justification would make Cicero inclined to see the inarguable logic behind it.
"I think you should take a long look at yourself, and who you are, and what you have done for your family and this city. I mean, what other woman do you know of that has the weapon you do, and the training to go with it? What other woman goes out and maintains contacts like me and others for the sake of your trade? You stand here today not broken or distraught, but ready to work. You know this business. You've been in this business. You've done the work. So the big question is - who's going to run the show now?"
"... are you trying to say that it should be me?" Cicero's response did carry earnest surprise, and the discomfort from before the conversation now extended to her hearing LaGrange speak of her weapon training and use in the open. It wasn't something that she wanted to have discussed so freely. Moreover, she didn't appreciate having this kind of decision be thrust upon her, despite any kind of feeling she had before in which she envisioned herself being the actual boss. But she understood that was all it was in her head - a fantasy. "It, it wouldn't work. If they tried to install me, most all of the men would flat out reject it."
"Sure the men would reject it - at first. That's when you do what you know needs to be done and straighten the kinks out, and get the ship back on track. Besides, you got the women on your side basically already. You know I'd support you any way that I can, and that's nothing small, if I say so myself. And I know others I can ask to join you right off. Y'know that showtunes girl that's all over the rags now, Helen Allgera? I've heard things about her. I might be able to get her to help us out, directly. I know other people. I got my brother over there, and you know he won't tolerate disrespect of anyone to me."
"Right, you're right there."
"And I ask again - who else are they going to ask? His son is still too young and might not be respected all the same. And your brother? He's out of the game... not in it like you are. You really are the best choice for it out of your family. It is you."
LaGrange's words stirred deeply into her heart. It was all true. If this legacy were to continue, it really did seem best for it to be done under her hands after all. Nobody else was ready.
"I think you might be right." Cicero said this with a nod after further silent contemplation.
"Yeah, you think about it, darlin." LaGrange smiled warmly in response. Everything she wanted now seemed to be falling into place. With a drag of her cigarette, she envisioned her new position of authority and how she and her brother could finally have the weapons to wield it.
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